About Us

Dealer Unified is an organization of independent Grocery / Retail solution providers.


The Association will provide a community voice  to create win-win situations through better communication and understanding.  With just two parties talking, the software provider and the Association, it is much easier for each side to understand and appreciate the other’s position.  Better communication and understanding of software, or competitive challenges increases the possibility of a positive outcome.


The Association can assist in creating uniform and fair reseller contracts.


The Association will help protect and define the roles, territories, and create a level playing field when strategic partners are added to the reseller eco-system.


The Association can provide educational resources for members and improve their businesses.  An Association is a valuable resource that can reduce time and energy individual resellers have to spend learning the latest technical advances and changing competitive marketplace.


The Association can prioritize software development needs and address competitive concerns.


The Association can be an avenue to share and promote reseller developed tools and interfaces.